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A Whole 12 Inches - Story Time Blog

Writer's picture: Lenny De ForgeLenny De Forge
A.I. Artwork - - A Whole 12 Inches - Story Time Blog. Three hot guys by a pool

At five feet six inches tall Jesse hated the face he was short. He knew this would be a issue for girls and worked out everyday for a perfect body. He was huge for his height and weighed in at 200 hundred pounds. He has won a lot of body building contests. His job with Dick's Sporting Goods aloud him the time to compete.

It was at one of those contests Jesse met Hank and John. Hank was six feet five inches tall a whole 12 inches taller than Jesse. John was Hanks older brother six feet three inches and giants standing next to Jesse. The three men all placed in the top five. With Jesse winning the competition there was a celebration party where the three of them were getting a little toasted. Finally Jesse gave up and said he had to crash and left the party.

Jesse woke up the next morning a bit dehydrated at six am and jumped in the shower with a plan to do laps in the pool there at the hotel. That early in the morning the pool looked empty from his window on the eighth floor. The hotel had set up a juice bar outside, and Hank and John were the only two in line. Jesse was surprised but happy to see them both.

They were thrilled to see Jesse and gave him hard time about leaving the party early. Jesse apologized explaining he was getting toasted. He started to think they were hitting on him and so it was time to go.

Hank - Bro were were hitting on you. We are brothers Hank is gay. John and him play together. We think you are just hot bro. We were really hitting on you.

Jesse - Wait you guys do gay stuff with each other.?

John - Any chance you want to do gay stuff with us Jesse?

Jesse - Oh my god you guys are serious. I have not done any thing gay since high school. That was like making out a couple times with a trainer at the gym I was going to. We are talking six years ago or more. I am into short girls, not giant guys.

Hank was not giving up that easy. He picks Jesse up at the waist and lifts his two hundred pound frame up over his head as Jesse tries to hang on to his arms. He actually tosses Jesse up in the air and catches him like he was a little kid. As he catches Jesse over his head, Jesse grabs onto his neck and shoulders and ends up wrapping his legs around Hanks waist. There he was face to face looking into Hanks eyes. Hank says kiss me and Jesse did.

That kiss and Jesse's reaction to it convinced Jesse to go back to their room. With a promise nothing would happen without his consent. Jesse does gay stuff with the two brothers. Then at some point John disappears leaving Hank and Jesse alone. The two young men make love for the first time.

At noon the phone rings, it John's suggesting they all do lunch by the pool. Turns out John is married to a female and has two kids and love's the competitions with his brother for a lot of reasons. Jesse and hank show up thirty minutes later beaming. Asking John.

Jesse - So, what do you think?

John - Think about what?

Jesse - Can you tell your brother made me gay last night?

Hank leaned over and gave Jesse a lovers kiss. Telling his big brother. - Jesse is a keeper, I am following him to Chicago for a few days before I show him my place in Columbus.

John gave Jesse a bear hug saying... My baby brother does do love tiny, this is for the rest of your life love. You Jesse just might be that perfect man. Just please love him back as much as he loves you.

Jesse - All my life giant guys scary the hell out of me, all because I was afraid of what they could and would do to me. I think I was just hiding my attraction to guys.

John - I have been of the phone with my wife hoping you two would hit it off. Telling Hank, I told you opposites attract. Turning back to Jesse saying he has described you a thousand times. You are the guy he has been looking for at least the last ten years.

John booked a flight and left for home that evening. Hank and Jesse spent the next two days like it was their honeymoon. They drive to Chicago and and spend three days there. Hank is an investment banker who works about three days a week. The two decide to open up a gym for under served kids.

A Whole 12 Inches - Story Time Blog


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