At 17 Charlie was gay and hating his life. His single mom was thirty five. She has been struggling working as a night desk clerk and maid in a sleazy motel. They had a two bedroom suite with a small kitchen, where he also shared a two bedroom suite with his mother for the last five years. With no kitchen he only eats fast food. Living downtown Charlie saw the sleezy side of everything. Sex workers, Gay bars, to homeless people. Add in the real tourists from out of state. It was a zoo for on lookers of the people that lived in the area. People just assumed a cute kid like Charlie walking down the street. He got hit on a lot and tons of offers to turn a trick for some fast cash.
The year before at the age of sixteen after coming out to his mother as gay. She offered him a bribe of a I phone if he promised never to have sex for money, but only because he loved someone. They had to get to know each other first. Because he is out to his mom he should not have to hide who he loves. She would love to meet him whom ever he is. Also he should listen to the advice of friends and family after they meet the person. You have to trust a person before you can love them. No secrets. The minute he breaks the rule he loses the cell phone.
At sixteen having a cell phone at school is what sadly made you human and able to participate in anything socially. Charlie had no plans of telling the world or anyone at school he was gay any time soon. This was also his connection to the internet for homework, and all things gay. It was education and he had a lot of questions. Charlie starts a photo diary of all the people he knows. By the time he turns seventeen he has over three hundred people's picture and description and information and connected to his contact list. Only fifty of them had phone numbers or emails. Those were all through school.

Dustin Conner became a contact with this picture one of those people in his picture diary. An alcoholic who lived in and out of his car parked behind the Tumble Inn Bar where he also worked and got drunk every night. He had a DUI and could no longer drive. He would clean the bar starting every morning between two and three am. The bartender would order him breakfast before work with lots of coffee. He would get done cleaning the bar by change of shift around 6 AM. He would then move to working in the kitchen. Check in and put away deliveries, while cleaning the floors after taking out all the trash. He get lunch after work. All expenses were tracked which would come out of his paycheck. After his duties were complete. He gets drunk after work on a bar tab that also comes out of his check. Passing out in his car and start over the next morning. It was seven days a week but Dustin never complained.
Charlie was on one of his nightly strolls to avoid the main drag due to the crowd of several gay bars he takes the alley. The backdoor to the Tumble Inn kitchen opens and he hears someone yell don't try to help when you are drunk. Dustin stumbles out tries to focus his eyes to see if anyone is out there. Seconds later he is without a shirt, which along with himself was covered in coke syrup and he was kicking the broken bag in a box.
Unaware of Charlie's presents Dustin removes his jeans leaving him naked. He turns on a hose and rinses himself off. Pulling the hose down he opens the trunk of his car grabs a bottle of soap and a towel out of a laundry basket. The towel hangs on the car mirror as Dustin covers his body in suds. Starting at the top he rinses himself off for a final time. He grabs the towel to start drying off. He finally sits down on the front seat to dry off his feet and puts on a pair of basketball shorts and flip flops. He locks his car up and disappears back inside the Tumble Inn.
Charlie resumes his walk and two blocks later reaches McDonald's and orders a hot fudge Sundae with nuts. Five minutes later with his Sundae in hand he starts his return trip. It had been twenty minutes since Charlie watched Dustin go back inside. This time Dustin was sitting on the hood of his car drinking a beer. An older man comes out and tells him good night and says I will see you tomorrow. He gets into a BMW and takes off as he turns into the alley and sees Charlie, the car comes to a stop. The man rolls down his window and hands Charlie a business card. He tells him they are looking for some help in the kitchen. If he needs a job. Charlie's says thanks and the man drives off. Charlie snaps a picture of his plate as he drives off.
Dustin still slightly drunk and in a mood walks over and takes the card from Charlie's hand.
Dustin - Hey Charlie you don't need that kid. Wait how old are you?
Charlie - I caught you washing off the coke syrup earlier. Do you live in your car?
Dustin - You little pervert I thought I saw someone over there. Are you over eighteen?
Charlie - I will be in a few months. Why does that matter?
Dustin - I was your age when I started working here. Just look at me now. I work to pay off my bar tab and live out of my car.
Charlie - Don't you have friends or relatives you can stay with?
Dustin - Not really and thanks for reminding me Charlie. Â It is hard for me to go to sleep without getting trashed first. The coke syrup mess my drunk up. I can't stand to be sticky and had to wash it off. Normally I would be drunk and passed out asleep by now.
Charlie - My mom lets me get a hot fudge sundae every night she says I crash off the sugar high from my hot fudge sundae by nine o'clock. You can crash at my house tonight I have a queen size bed. Mom says I can have sleepovers but we can't have sex.
Dustin - That's hilarious, normally the only chance I get to sleep in a bed is if I agree to sex. You are the one person that does want to.
Charlie - I want to but I am only doing gay stuff with a boyfriend I don't think I have met him yet.
Dustin - Do you like to cuddle?
Charlie - I don't know I have never done it before.
Dustin - Are you sure your mom won't care.
Charlie - You like like a kid in those shorts. You look like a grown up in t shirt and jeans. They are too small and show off your muscles. Walk faster or are you too drunk?
Dustin - It is the flip flops I am not use to walking in them. Wait you live at the hotel. I forgot you told me this. Is that your mom at the front desk?
Charlie - Would you like to meet her?
Dustin - Maybe in the morning can you get a wake up call. I should be at the bar by 3:30.
Charlie - No problem, this is my room.
Dustin - Sweet clean sheets and everything. Check you out your own bathroom and shower
and a senior in high school. Damn are you going to college.
Charlie - Yes the local one I get to live at home.
Dustin - Shorts on or off?
Charlie - Whatever you want I sleep naked.
Dustin - I'm in you can turn the lights off. Damn it's dark where did you go Charlie?
Charlie turns the light on his cell phone he calls his mom to say he is having a sleepover with a friend and he need a wake up call at 2:45. His name is Dustin. I love you too mom. Charlie sets his phone down, as Dustin pull him to the middle of the bed. He wraps his arms around Charlie and together they assume a spooning position. Both young men were asleep in less than ten minutes.
The hotel phone went off as planned at 2:45. Dustin moaned I was sleeping so good.
Charlie - Me too cuddling is awesome. You can take a shower if you want.
Dustin - Thanks Charlie leaning over he give Charlie a kiss on his cheek. What are you doing today?
Charlie - Class starts at 8:30 and I get home at 2:00
Dustin jumps out of bed and head for the shower. Five minutes later he is drying off and looking for his shorts and flip flops. He stops to tell Charlie the following.
Dustin - Call the bar when you get out of school and we can hang out together.
Charlie - Okay have a great day at work.
Dustin - Felt awesome he was looking for a reason not to get drunk and he was hoping he found one. It was weird not being hungover or not having to drink tons of coffee. He breezed through cleaning and clocked out at seven forty five for a break before he moves to the open kitchen. He head out the back and the two blocks to Charlie's Room. He arrives just as Charlie was walking out his door.
Charlie - What are you doing here?
Dustin - I came to walk with you to school.
Charlie - That was sweet. So how is work going?
Dustin - Work was a breeze because I wasn't so trash and I got awesome sleep. Thank again for that.
Charlie - I told my mom it was the best sleep ever. She really wants to meet you. She doesn't get up until four or five. and she goes to work at 9 or 10.
Dustin - Maybe I can meet her tonight then. If you want I could meet you here after school. We could hang out.
Charlie - Why are you doing this?
Dustin - I like you Charlie. You are good for me Charlie. You are my reason to not drink. I want us to be best friends.
Charlie - Wow sounds great Dustin. Charlie puts out his fist for a bump.
Dustin - Are you still in the closet at school? With nobody looking. Dustin leans in a gives Charlie a kiss on the cheek. He say if any one says anything tell them I am your boyfriend or big brother.
Charlie - I see you later. Bye.
To be continued...
A Start Over- Story Time Blog