Charlie had been going nuts for three week. At the age of 17 he told his best he want to do gay stuff with him. His friend seemed open to the idea until while in the process they got caught. Charlie was set up as the gay guy making a pass at the poor innocent straight guy that was twice as wide. It's Saturday and normally there would be three other guys with Charlie. He is stuck playing Fallout on his PS5 alone because he is gay now. He does have the house all to himself which why he is in his underwear and his bowl of cereal is on the floor. His parents left early this morning for Chicago to visit Uncles and Aunts on his dad side of the family.
About eleven he hears loud music pull into the drive way. It means Charlie's big brother John is here. Along with four of his friends. They storm in through the front door. John comes over and kisses his brother on the forehead and takes a pillow to cover up is underwear, and introduces everyone as they file in the kitchen and raid the refrigerator.
My brother and his friends have a condo on campus. He drops off one weeks load of dirty laundry and pick the one up he dropped off last week. All clean and folded.
Vic comes over to watch me play, while my brother and his tribe go upstairs to his old room. Vic's making polite conversation about the game. When my bother and friends join us. They were talking crap about the graphics when my brothers Girlfriend calls. She needs picked up at the mall immediately. My brother has a Jeep that at the most can seat five. They were at that already. Vic said he could hang back, come get me after you lose the girlfriend. They leave I go back to my gave and almost forget Vic was there.
Vic asks if he can grab a water. I say go for it. He walks the back side of the couch removing the pillow hiding my underwear just to throws it at me. I bat it away, he says great reflexes, and walks to the kitchen. He comes back and asks me to bend my legs so he can watch from this view. I just did it and kept on playing.
I heard about your boyfriend dumping you. That was messed up. John was going to kick his ass and you dad was on the phone talking him out if. He finally calmed down. John was pissed. Your brother loves you a lot bro.
He called me a lot when it first happened, but I had not heard about that. John is a awesome brother I am so glad I am the he was first.
So, is that it you don't know any other gay dudes at your school? No other possibilities?
There are six gay guys at school. Because I denied it for such a long time they are mad. My straight friends are afraid people will think they are gay if the are seen with me at school. I am changing my scheduled and graduating early.
Then we get a power serge and I have to reboot the PD5. This happens way too much and takes way too long. A Reboot like that makes you start all over.
We are just sit there staring at each other. I ask if that is a new tattoo. He explains it a week old . I asked why a Jack of hearts. He claims to be a romantic. His arms and pecks were huge almost as big as my brothers. I ask how old he is and his turn twenty in three days. Killer smile. The PS5 stats to show signs of life.
Vic asks. Can I play with you?
I reply, The remotes are in the drawer grab one.
He laughs. He looks over and says... Not the game bro. Not what I want to grab. Play with you. You do know your junk is kind of hanging out right?
Charlie sits up on the couch facing forward looking at the screen making adjustments where needed. He turns to look at Vic and asks. Are you gay?
Vic replies. This would be my first time with a guy, I think we have to actually do gay stuff and really like it first and want to do it again before we are actually gay. I can promise you this you say yes I am not going to chicken out.
My bedroom, Up stairs.
Sounds great, the two young men race up the steps taking three at a time. It was about three hours later when Charlie's phone goes off. It his big brother John.
Bro I am looking for Vic he never made it back to the condo.
Did you call his phone?
No, but I will try that now. He hangs up and calls Vic.
Hello -
Vic where you I will come get right now. I am so sorry.
We are best friends right? I need to tell you something and I can't have you freaking out on me.
Vic where the hell are you? What the ...Vic interrupts
I am busy falling in love with Charlie. We are doing gay stuff at his house, I don't need a ride.
Put me on speaker please. Julie went home for the weekend. I love you Vic and you are my best friend. Kiss my little brother for me. Please understand this was my plan all along. Just for the record you gay guys are not as invisible as you think. I believe you guys are perfect for each other. Vic if you hurt him, your dead.
Charlie you owe me big time, I love you little bro. Have fun. Mom and dad will be back innnnnn twenty-two hours. I bet they will allow you guys to have sleepovers if you keep the noise down.
A Reboot - Story Time Blog